Inception-surrealism-paradox-223x111A $160 million movie that grossed $825 million worldwide isn't exactly DIY filmmaking, but because I wrote about the film when it came out -- and because this is just really cool -- here's a behind-the-scenes look at [easyazon-link asin="B002ZG981E"]Inception's[/easyazon-link] "horizontal rotating corridor" sequence:

Watching this, I can't help but think these sets are the kind of things that should be part of a movie-centric theme park experience (along with, as they mention, Kubrick's 2001 set). Seems a shame to have to break down such marvels of engineering. Also, funnily enough, we had the same problem with actors making gun noises with their mouths during the shootout in The West Side -- which is one of the few things in common between our $4,000 production (most of which was spent on food and transportation) and a $160 million one.

[via ProVideo Coalition]