Brd-teaserEvan Luzi runs a great blog full of valuable camera department information, The Black and Blue. He also wrote a great guest post here about how to find professional crew members for free. Now Evan has released a free 145-page PDF entitled Becoming the Reel Deal, and it may remind you of a certain other free eBook -- in a good way. Evan's advice is focused on the camera department, as you'd expect given his background, but it should be brain candy for anyone looking to break into film:

While I can’t promise you’ll instantly get a job when you finish reading it, if you follow my advice, I can guarantee you will put yourself in a better position for long-term success. This isn’t about getting one gig -- it’s about launching a career. That’s why I don’t even try to sell you in this ebook on any magic bullet, undiscovered method, or secret ways to the top -- it’s simply tried and true methods that worked for me and others.

Evan just released the book today so I haven't had time to read it yet (it's 145 pages!), but go get your free copy and let me know what you think. Note: like my DSLR Cinematography Guide, you will also receive a weekly newsletter after signing up (you can unsubscribe at any time).

Link: Becoming the Reel Deal - The Black and Blue