Filmmaker Magazine's 40% Off Holiday Sale Makes it Even More of a No-Brainer
My favorite magazine about independent film is, well, "the magazine of independent film:" Filmmaker Magazine. The quarterly mag, which always includes film festival reports, invaluable interviews with directors, and several must-read columns, is now only $10 a year. If you live in the digital realm, it's only $6. Six dollars! It goes without saying, but this makes a great (and cheap) Christmakwanzakah gift for any filmmaker friends.
- Only $10 for 1 year print subscription.
Only $18 for 2 years. - Only $6 for a one year digital subscription.
- Purchase a print subscription and receive the digital version of our current issue immediately.
- Sale ends December 25th, 2011
And if all of that isn't good enough, if you subscribe as part of this deal you're also entered in a drawing for a number of indie film prizes.