'Robbie': A Short Film That Proves Sometimes You Don't Need a Camera to Make a Great Film
We write a lot of posts about cameras here on No Film School in order to make our readers aware of what options are out there and what each particular camera is capable of. But as you know, the camera doesn't make your film. The story is the most crucial part of any narrative film, and you don't necessarily need a camera or a crew to make that film a reality. Sometimes, all you need is some public domain footage, the right music, and an editing program. This what Australian filmmaker Neil Harvey used to create his beautiful short film Robbie:
From Harvey's description on Vimeo:
The film-making process involved downloading about 10 hours of footage from the NASA archives and compiling a list of shots which resonated with me at some level. I did this over about 2 or 3 months when I had the spare time. From there, I put these selected shots on an editing timeline and watched them back until characters and narratives began developing in my mind. That is when I met Robbie.
Whether you use Harvey's method of having your story emerge out of compelling images or you write a script and then find the images that fit, with some effort and creativity you can make a great film. If you'd like to dive in and make your own found footage film, there are some good resources for 720p footage at The Internet Archive's 35MM Stock Footage Collection, and NASA, and if you're looking for a more extensive collection of footage --albeit SD-- check out FedFlix, and the Perlinger Archive.
Link: Short of the Week - Robbie
Via: [Film School Rejects]