These Filmmakers Need Your Help to Shoot a Scene in Space (By the Way, It's for Porn)
Many of filmmaking's greatest technical innovations were ushered into existence thanks in no small part to the porn industry. Now pornographers are taking to the final frontier, and they need your help to get there.

No, this is not a joke. PornHub, one of the web's leading sources for videos of scantily-clad people doing dirty things to one another, is crowdfunding a project to send two porn stars and a video crew into orbit to shoot the world's very first space porno. Fittingly, the project is called Sexploration, and yes, it has a trailer (which is totally safe for work).
More than anything, this is pure silliness for the sake of silliness. Quite frankly, I'm not sure this will have much of an impact on us as filmmakers, or really anybody else, for that matter. It could certainly be seen as a harbinger of an age in which more commercial film projects are being produced in space, as opposed to the publicly-funded documentary films that have previously been shot up there. But PornHub won't be the first filmmakers in space, however. In October of 2008, British game developer Richard Garriott actually made a short film while aboard Soyuz TMA-13, a mission to the International Space Station.
With that said, I find it interesting that they're only looking to raise $3.4 million for this project. While that is most definitely a shitload of money by most standards, it's only a fraction of what's spent on major Hollywood films these days. Who knows, maybe the filmmaking industry will take a note from Pornhub, and in 5 years, Alfonso Cuarón and Chivo will actually be in space producing the sequel to Gravity. It's a long shot, of course, but maybe, just maybe, Pornhub is taking one small step for a porn company, and one giant leap for filmmakers everywhere.