Odyssey7Q & 7Q+ Get High Speed Apple ProRes; 4K/UHD at Up to 60p & HD at Up to 240p
"How do you like them apples" is right...

Today, Convergent Design announced the release of firmware version 2015.8, an update that boasts continuous high speed Apple ProRes 4K/UHD and HD recording at up to 60p and 240p respectively for Odyssey7Q and 7Q+ users.
Convergent Design explains that High Speed Apple ProRes will initially be offered for the Sony FS7 (with XDCA Extension Unit) and FS700, but will require the Odyssey RAW Bundle to access the high frame rate data. They mention that they'll be adding high frame rate support for more cameras in the future. They also announce something that will appeal to fans and potential buyers of the new Canon C300 MKII -- the Odyssey7Q and 7Q+ will be able to record 4K and QHD RAW from the camera using the Odyssey RAW Bundle.
Here's a video from Convergent Design that demonstrates the new features:
And here's their full list of new features, fixes, and improvements included in firmware version 2015.8:
New Features (Odyssey7Q+)
Canon XC10 Support
- UHD Apple ProRes 23.98p, 25p, 29.97p UHD->HD SuperSample to Apple ProRes 23.98p, 25p, 29.97p (Camera trigger & HDMI timecode in HD Only)
New Features (Odyssey7Q+, Odyssey7Q)
FS7/FS700 High Speed RAW -> Apple ProRes Support*
- 4K RAW -> 4K Apple ProRes, 50p & 60p added
- 4K RAW -> UHD Apple ProRes, 50p & 60p added
- 2K RAW HS -> HD Apple ProRes, 100p, 120p, 200p, 240p
- (Only one SSD can be mounted for recording 2K HS Apple ProRes)
- (Only Odyssey int. TC supported (Seed, Time-of-Day DF & NDF)
FS700 only:
- 4K RAW Burst -> 4K Apple ProRes, 100p & 120p
- 4K RAW Burst -> UHD Apple ProRes, 100p & 120p
(*Requires Odyssey RAW Bundle or Sony FS RAW Option)
Canon C300 MKII RAW Support
- 4K RAW recording up to 30p
- QHD RAW recording up to 30p
- 4K RAW -> 4K Apple ProRes up to 30p
- QHD RAW -> UHD Apple ProRes up to 30p
(*Requires Odyssey RAW Bundle or Canon RAW Option)
New Features (Odyssey7Q+, Odyssey7Q, Odyssey7)
- Analog or Digital
- Trace Trace display in green or color (true CbCr)
- Variable Zoom 1.0x - 15.0x (Finger Drag left-right)
- Zoom Presets 1,2,5,10,15x (Finger Drag up-down)
Fixes & Improvements
- FIXED Audio issues in 1080i59.94 playback
- FIXED 4K to 2K/HD Downscale Line at the bottom of image.
- IMPROVED Color Bars
- IMPROVED Odyssey Menu Font
Certainly one of the most exciting features in the update, other than the new vectorscope with 15x zoom, is the high frame rate options, and according to Convergent Design, there is no other device that can record HD Apple ProRes at 240 fps. To learn more about Convergent Design's high speed recording, namely the difference between recording RAW and Apple ProRes, they've provided a page that breaks it all down for you.
You can download firmware version 2015.8 right here.
Convergent Design Firmware Version 2015.8
Source: Convergent Design