Update: the edited archives of these panels are available here and here.

Tune in live for the following panels:

  1. How Not to Waste a Dime on Your Independent Film (9:30AM PT / 10:30AM MT / 12:30PM ET)
  2. Will VR Kill Film? (10:15AM PT / 11:15AM MT / 1:15PM ET)
  3. Under $100K: The Key to Success or Starvation? (11AM PT / 12PM MT / 2PM ET)

Full details on the panel lineup are below and at SundanceInnovators.com. The live panels are presented by Seed&SparkTeradek , WeVRG-Technology, and Frame.io

Sundance Innovators Seed&Spark Teradek Live Streaming

We will be back afterward to update this post with an archive as well.

Source: Sundance Innovators