Some films released recently are being protested by other filmmakers (ahem, Vaxxed) and some are being protested by the Chinese government (Hong Kong Film Award's Best PictureTen Years), but regardless—or perhaps because of—the hoopla, people are going the theaters in significant numbers to catch indies.

We chat about several of these films, including Jeff Nichols' Midnight Special, Don Cheadle's Miles Ahead, and the Taika Waititi Sundance hit from New Zealand, Hunt for the Wilderpeoplewhich broke box office records in that country over the weekend. We also discuss a new record set on YouTube and how it might affect indie makers, as well as a follow-up to last week's story about movie studios attempting to affect anti-LGBT legislation in some southern U.S. states. As always, the episode includes a rundown of the latest filmmaking tools, upcoming grant and lab deadlines, and indie film releases that you won't want to miss while you're busy making films.

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