Jon Fusco and yours truly, Liz Nord discuss Louis CK’s I Love You, Daddy distribution saga and awards season updates (and upsets) from the Golden Globes, European Film Awards, and IDA Documentary Awards. We also reveal Netflix's most binged shows of 2017, get into a pretty geeky debate about Star Wars, and share tips from filmmaker Ela Thier about how to become your own script doctor.

Charles Haine joins us for gear news and answers an Ask No Film School question about scanning photos to use in your film.

As always, the show also brings news you can use about gear, upcoming grant and festival deadlines, this week’s indie film releases, industry wisdom, and other notable things you might have missed while you were busy making films.

Listen to the episode by streaming or downloading from the embedded player above, or find on iTunes here.

Show Links & Mentions

No Film School articles

Filmmaking Tools

Upcoming Deadlines: Grants & Opportunities

Upcoming Deadlines: Festivals

Film Releases



  • Wormwood- December 15
  • Fire Chasers - Available now


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This episode of Indie Film Weekly was produced and edited by Jon Fusco.