I'm never more productive than when I'm writing a screenplay. Of course, my productivity is spent doing everything but writing my screenplay, like laundry, my taxes, and tackling that ginormous 50,000-piece Lisa Frank rainbow unicorn puzzle. That's the rub of writing, isn't it? It's wanting to do something but having to force yourself to do it. Well, there are several ways you can get over this—whatever it is—malaise, ennui, or lack of motivation, like going for a jog, listening to music, or wearing super comfy clothes, but The Film Look lists a handful of really helpful apps that can solve many of the problems screenwriters face when trying to buckle down and work.

There are so many great apps out there that can help you become a more efficient, motivated, and less distracted screenwriter, but here are the ones the Film Look team talks about in their video:

  • Trello: A project management app that lets you arrange your digital scene cards like you would in real life.
  • FluxFor those that like to work at night, Flux changes the color of your screen, much like "Night Shift" on the iPhone, to make it easier on your eyes.
  • Rainy MoodNeed some white noise? Try Rainy Mood, an app that is designed to help you focus and relax.
  • Script SpeakerThis app will let you upload scripts, cast a narrator, and listen to it like an audiobook.

Of course, every screenwriter is different and needs/uses different things to get focus and productive. Here are a few apps I've used over the years that helped keep me working:

  • SelfControl: Do you know how quickly my "research" turns into "V just surfing the internet?" 2.2 seconds. That's why I use SelfControl, because it lets me blacklist certain websites for a specific amount of time.
  • Celtx: This has been my go-to screenwriting platform since I wrote my first screenplay 10 years ago. Though there are definitely other awesome programs, this one is free and awesome. It gives you plenty of different ways to organize your project, including character bios, index cards, etc.
  • Hatch's Plot Bank: This website is just a massive list (2000+) of little starter seeds for stories, like "corporate credit card is frozen...stranded" or "adopts a child without telling anyone." I came across this gem a long, long time ago and it really helped me come up with great short script ideas because each seed doesn't give you much, just enough to get your creative juices flowing.
  • Coffitivity: If you don't like rain sounds (we get plenty of those here in the PNW), then maybe the sound of a busy cafe will suit you better. I've used Coffitivity a few times, but I also really like this YouTube video that plays 2 straight hours of busy bar sounds. (I like the muffled music playing in the background.)
  • Pomodoro apps: There are a ton of apps out there designed to assist you with the Pomodoro Technique of working for a block of time, like 30 to 25 minutes, then taking a short break of 5, and then repeating the process. Here's an app you can try.

What are some apps that have helped you stay focused and organized when writing screenplays? Let us know in the comments below.

Source: The Film Look