Jon Fusco and Erik Luers buckle down and get serious this week to discuss one of the single biggest hacking controversies of our generation and what it could mean for Marvel's box office returns. There will only be one group of people to blame if Venom flops this weekend, and it's Lady Gaga fans. Also in the news, do people who play video games for ten hours or more a week somehow end up having more disposable income?

Charles Haine joins us for gear news, where he details RED's massive new monochrome sensor and a new monitor that'll have you drooling. In Ask No Film School, he ponders whether living life as a freelancer is absolutely essential for directors looking to breakthrough.  

As always, the show also brings news you can use about gear, upcoming grant and festival deadlines, this week’s indie film releases, industry wisdom, and other notable things you might have missed while you were busy making films.

Listen to the episode by streaming or downloading from the embedded player above, or find on iTunes here.

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This episode of Indie Film Weekly was produced and edited by Jon Fusco.