Stephen Williams recently directed Chevalier, a film based on the true story of one of France’s most important composers. Chevalier is about the journey of understanding oneself better, through the trials and tribulations that life sends one’s way.

In this episode, No Film School’s GG Hawkins and director Stephen Williams discuss:

  • Growing up in Jamaica and skipping class to go to the movie theater

  • Starting as a PA in a production house in Toronto, Canada 

  • Moving to Hawaii to produce and direct episodes of Lost 

  • Comparing the role of producer to the role of director

  • A scene in Chevalier, that was like a rap battle, but with violins

  • Selecting collaborators behind the camera with the same care you cast the performers

  • An example of how his collaborators saved him from making a mistake

  • Thinking about the impact his career has on his family

  • How to tell a narrative story about a real person

  • Identifying and connecting to the journey of the main character

You can watch Chevalier in theaters on April 21, 2023.

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This episode of The No Film School Podcast was produced by GG Hawkins.