SmallHD Announces RED DSMC2 Control from Cine 7 Monitors
SmallHD's new software license enables real-time configuration of RED's cameras.

Originally designed for use with ARRI cinema cameras, the SmallHD Cine 7 touchscreen monitor will now be able to control RED DSMC2 cinema cameras through an optional camera control license. The new feature will unlock on-screen overlays that provide complete use of the RED camera interface.
The SmallHD Cine 7 monitor has a resolution of 1920x1200 with over 1800 nits of brightness, and 100% color accuracy through the DCI-P3 color standard. The Cine 7 is a touchscreen capable of a capacitive touch that enables up to five simultaneous touches and gives the user standard control features using SmallHD's OS3 operating system. The simple user interface is page-based, giving camera assistants the ability to customize page settings according to preferences.
Credit: SmallHD
One feature, for instance, is wireless control through integrated Teradek wireless transmitters and receivers. This integration enables assistants to control all Teradek RT wireless follow-focus systems, and now they can expand that even further by controlling RED cameras remotely. In addition to adjusting traditional parameters like white balance, resolution, and shutter angle, the unlocked overlays add additional features including output overlays, image pipeline modification, custom file name generation, and power settings.
Credit: SmallHD
Key Features
- Easy to read overlays
- fast and easy touchscreen
- direct run/stop toggle with a simple touch of a virtual button
- Multiple display styles including Panel View, Quick Key View, and Minimized View
- Deep level menu control to access most of RED DSMC2 controls
The Camera Control license is available for separate purchase that includes an active camera-control cable, for $500. But for a limited time, users can purchase a Cine 7 monitor system starting at $1799, and receive the RED Camera control license as a free add-on. For more information, visit SmallHD's website.