"Mark it zero!" How underrated is John Goodman? He's one of those actors you don't think much about because he's that good. He's honed his craft over multiple decades, spanning every genre imaginable with his innate ability to be in front of the camera. He can make you laugh, creep you out, or strike fear into your eyes, but doesn't overwhelm you in a scene. It never feels like he's "acting" on screen.

In a recent GQ video, Goodman discusses characters he's played, including Arachnophobia's Delbert McClintock, his time on Roseanne as Dan Connor, and yes, even Walter Schobak fromThe Big Lebowski, among others which he'd like a do-over. Check it out below.  

But how can this video make you a better filmmaker? Well, the actor provides some great advice and mentions it several times. Did you pick up on it? He suggests whenever he went to a reading where he thought he never had a chance of landing the job, he'd always get cast. And that mindset is true for directors, cinematographers, editors, and other artisans behind the scenes looking to land a job. 

No Film School has had the privilege of interviewing hundreds of filmmakers over the years, and one of the themes that we continue to see is the notion that if you go into a meeting as if you don't have a chance, it's more than likely you will get hired for the gig. 

Like in this video, you can tell Goodman is comfortable with who he is as a person and as a professional. He has the experience and is at a point in his career where he can pick and choose his roles. But when you're starting out as a director or cinematographer you're not going to have the comfort, but that doesn't mean your body language should show that. It's important to be prepared for any general or pitch meeting where you can discuss your vision for the story and back that up with concepts and proof of delivery. But it's best not to be desperate. People can see desperation. Instead, try to turn that feeling into confidence, or better yet, as Goodman says, try not to care at all. You'll most likely land that gig. 

Have you landed a job you least expected? Tell us about it in the comments section.