Get a 100-page eBook of the “astonishingly detailed and useful” DSLR Cinematography Guide FREE
Filmmaker Magazine called The DSLR Cinematography Guide "astonishingly detailed and useful" at launch. Now the guide is updated, expanded, and professionally designed into a proper eBook. Including the eBook-only bonus chapters, it's now over a hundred pages long! This new PDF is printable, portable, and more comprehensive -- but it's still absolutely free. This marks the official launch of the No Film School newsletter, which will simply email you once a week with site updates and will also occasionally ping you with tips and tricks on digital filmmaking (and how to start an independent career). Get your own full color, high-resolution copy of the guide here:
What, exactly, does The DSLR Cinematography Guide focus on? "How to make beautiful, inexpensive movies using a DSLR." Anyone who currently owns a DSLR, or is thinking about buying one, should be able to benefit from the guide.
For those of you who donated previously and received the old PDF, thanks so much -- you should've already gotten an advance email about how to get this new eBook (the guide is high resolution, and as such the PDF is a bit large for emailing direct). For future reference you can always find this subscribe form on the new Subscribe page. And if you saw an overlay prompting you to subscribe, don't worry about it annoying you -- it should only appear on the site once a month. If you find the guide as helpful as I hope you will, you can thank me by donating or spreading the word about this free eBook on your blog, Facebook, Twitter, or any way you can. Please share this post via the Twitter, Facebook, and StumbleUpon badges to the left!
When you get the PDF, I think you'll be surprised that I'm giving such an eBook away free. It looks good. It reads good. Damn! I mean it reads "well." Am I crazy for giving it away free? No, I just think audience-building is of paramount importance for independent creatives, and I'm setting out to build one via all available methods. Once you get the eBook, let me know what you think in the comments. Enjoy!