1314888630-224x224Lots going on in REDland this week. The news that EPIC-X production had begun is now corroborated by news that the first cameras are headed out the door today. On top of this, RED released REDCINE-X PRO, a new version of their free .R3D processing/grading software. I'm a bit confused -- I mean, I thought REDCINE-X was already for pros only and that soccer moms need not apply -- but apparently this new version is significantly different enough to justify the new "pro" moniker. After booting it up briefly, I understand the new name -- the unified interface is a vast improvement over the old version (and the multi-track timeline builds on its basic editing functions). Here are the new features (and a download link):

First, a quick screenshot on my laptop (which doesn't compare to Jarred Land's:


And here are the new features in the PRO version:

  • New Professional RCX with collapsible single window unified user interface
  • Post effects Film Look, Unsharp Mask, etc (some features will be enabled soon)
  • Stills workflow support - Grade and export virtual stills associated with your clips.
  • Markers - Mark specific frames for easy retrieval and selective stills exporting.
  • Dynamic Look control panel allowing you to customize your workspace.
  • Greatly enhanced playback engine with full 3D framing support
  • Metadata viewer pane (per frame metadata coming soon)
  • HDRx + Stereo 3D Viewing at the same time.
  • Full screen playback on second screen
  • Full Screen Mode ( control - shift - F )
  • Automatically downloaded updates
  • Customizable control UI panes
  • Double-wide control UI pane
  • New post effects module
  • Hierarchical bin folders
  • Multi track Timelines
  • New scaling engine
  • Quick Help (H key)
  • Stills rating system
  • Export Rotation

This is a Preview Release, so expect bugs, etc. At first I assumed the Pro version was going to be a paid variant of REDCINE-X SOCCER MOM, but nope: it's free too. So get your hands on it if interested -- and if you need some footage to play with, here are some RED M-X shots (more here). If you can get the link to work, here are also some 5K EPIC shots. If anyone knows of a better source for these EPIC .R3D files (they're from the FilmRiot show), please drop a link in the comments!

Link: REDCINE-X PRO (already onto Build 2)