RED EPIC-X Now Available for Ordering, SCARLET-X Increasing in Price by $2K

RED has finally opened up ordering for the EPIC-X (until now, it was only available for RED ONE owners). Also, as previously mentioned, RED will be raising prices on a number of items starting January 1st, 2012 -- including the SCARLET. Here's how the prices are changing.
Going back to the original SCARLET announcement:
Price for Scarlet-X, including Brain, Side SSD and Canon aluminum mount (auto-focus support) is $9,750 if ordered before December 31st, 2011. After Jan. 1st, 2012 the price for Scarlet will be $9700 for the Brain only.
So, let's do the math: the Aluminum mount is $500 (you can't buy it by itself, only as part of a SCARLET package for the time being). The Side SSD Module is $1,500. All told, the SCARLET is effectively going up by $1,950 (you're no longer getting $2,000 of accessories bundled in the base model, but you save a whopping $50).
If you had your eyes on a SCARLET, you might want to order before the end of the year. With this math in mind, then, here are the old and new prices (note these are slightly different than what was previously stated -- here's where I'm grabbing info on new EPIC pricing):
Also of interest: the Pro I/O Module and Pro Battery Module (Dual) are supposedly going up in price for 2012, but have not yet appeared in the store. We'll see if they make them available at 2011 prices or just skip to the "increased" pricing right from the get-go.
Conspicuously absent from this list: REDMAGs. One wonders if they might (eventually) come down in price...
Either way, if you're looking to buy an EPIC-X or SCARLET-X, I hope this information was valuable (literally).