You're editing your first narrative or documentary feature. You're working with an assembly or rough cut; the film is coming together, but you're not sure how to best carry the project through post-production. In short, you need help. If this sounds like you, I highly recommend applying to IFP's Independent Filmmaker Labs, which provide mentorship at NYC events in May, June, September, and December. Note this is open to U.S.-based IFP members (join here) only.

Here's the official scoop:

IFP’s unique year-long mentorship program supports first-time feature directors when they need it most: through the completion, marketing and distribution of their films. Focusing exclusively on low-budget features (< $1million), this highly immersive program provides filmmakers with the technical, creative and strategic tools necessary to launch their films – and their careers. Through the Labs, IFP works to ensure that talented emerging voices receive the support, resources, and industry exposure necessary to reach audiences. Open to all first time feature documentary and narrative directors with films in post-production.

Deadlines and links to apply are below.

Documentary: March 9, 2012 (notified April 10).
Click Here to Apply

Narrative: April 6, 2012  (notified May 7)
Click Here to Apply

Please read Application Guidelines thoroughly before applying.