The Canoflex C300 Rig Combines the Best of Arri Past and Canon Present
Speaking of the C300, AC Tim Arasheben has developed a camera rig for the Canon C300 based partially on the Arri SR3 16mm camera. Even though I'm calling it a rig, I probably shouldn't, because it goes way beyond a normal rig. The Canoflex C300 is one of those tools that gives you exactly what you need, when you need it. It regulates power for practically anything you attach to it, and also has multiple HD-SDI outputs - a must on professional sets. Let's see what makes the Canoflex tick.
From Jon Fauer's Film and Digital Times blog:
The Canoflex is a beautifully machined and anodized baseplate to which you bolt your C300. Balance is provided by the stackable batteries, mounted aft, running in parallel for continuous 5+ hours operation of your Preston MDR and lens motors, on-board monitor, viewfinder, Cine Tape, and 64 MB Compact Flash Card. An internal DC-DC converter provides stable 8.4 v for the camera and 12 v for the accessories.
The Canoflex perfectly balances your C300 in handheld mode: it feels like a lighter, friendlier 16SR with smoother edges. In Studio Mode, it accepts all the standard baseplates, rods, brackets, monitors and supports.
Even if you're not a fan of Canon and you'll never shoot with the C300, it's hard not to admire the simplicity and functionality. Tim has come up with an ingenious design that provides plenty of I/O and power options, in a perfectly balanced rig that can be thrown on your shoulder and carried around with less care than the bare C300. Since the C300 is such a light camera, adding the baseplate should actually give the whole thing a bit of heft - and help get steadier handheld shots in the process. I've shot a lot of broadcast TV in the past, and one of the things I miss when shooting with most large sensor cameras (Arri Alexa and Sony F35/F65 excluded) is being able to toss the camera around a bit, and put it on my shoulder at a moment's notice.
This design would actually be perfect for a RED Scarlet or Canon 5D Mark III. The form factor of the DSLR-sized camera allows a rig like this to be possible, and if there's one complaint about these cameras, it's that you need a big or overly complicated rig to get more I/O or power options, and at the same time shoot smooth hand-held.
Simple, rugged, and expertly designed - I would not be surprised if I saw many more rigs like this for different cameras in the coming years. For ACs like Tim, being able to easily power monitors, EVFs and other devices is a must. I am a big fan of modularity, but I also know that when it comes to functionality, there are times when you just need something to work - and in a professional setting, it looks like the Canoflex will do just that.
There isn't any information on availability yet, as deals with distributors are currently being worked out, but Tim says that there will be more information on the Canoflex website in March.
What do you think of this rig, and if you're not a current or potential C300 owner, would you like a rig like this for your own camera of choice?
Link: Canoflex type-C300
[via Film and Digital Times]