Need a Jib? Nice Industries is Giving Away an Aviator Travel Jib, Tripod, and Backpack
The Aviator Travel Jib is one of the lighter jibs in existence, and if you haven't checked it out, we've already talked about their successful Kickstarter campaign. Zeke Kamm, the inventor of the Travel Jib, is running a contest right until July 9th where he will be giving away an Aviator Travel Jib Mag Alloy Kit, 3 Legged Thing tripod, and a thinkTank Airport Commuter camera backpack. Below are the details.
From Zeke:
"Five Days Left to get your Aviator professional Travel Jib at a huge discount via Kickstarter. It's already a huge success, but let's up the stakes. Everyone who signs up for our Nice Industries email list will be entered in our "We'll give YOU a Kick Start" giveaway! One lucky winner will be chosen at random to receive an Aviator Travel Jib Mag Alloy Kit, 3 Legged Thing tripod, and a thinkTank Airport Commuter camera backpack. This drawing is open to anyone in any part of the world where allowed by law, applicable taxes and duties to be paid by the winner. Winner will be announced July 9th, 2012. So hurry up. Sign up. And up your chances of getting an Aviator Jib to 100% by backing the project right now on Kickstarter.
Click here to sign up for our email list and enter the giveaway. (Have no fear, we hate junk email, too. We will never sell, rent, or loan your email address. Periodically we will send you updates about our products, special sales, links to our free how-to filmmaking videos, that sort of thing. And you can unsubscribe at anytime. Please note you will be sent a confirmation email. You must confirm your email address to be entered in the contest.)"
The Travel Jib is available in a few configurations, with the lightest (and also most expensive) featuring a Carbon Fiber body. If you haven't already seen it, check out the Kickstarter video below:
Links: Nice Industries Mailing List & Aviator Travel Jib Kickstarter