Factory293, an extremely ambitious and well-made short film that we featured earlier in the month -- alongside some incredibly entertaining BTS content -- just so happens to have an awesome poster that beautifully encapsulates all of the film's primary characters, settings, and themes. What's even better is that the designers of the poster, Henry Whitehead and Simon Boxer, put together a comprehensive series of Photoshop tutorials detailing every step of the design process.

First up, here's Factory293 in its entirety, just in case you missed it the first time around.

And here's the official poster for Factory293, which Henry and Simon will discuss in the tutorials below.

Factory293 Short Film Poster

Now on to how this poster was designed. Here's Henry Whitehead with a tutorial on bringing disparate elements from the film together in order to create a unified visual concept:

And here's Simon Boxer, who finished up the poster by adding the unique painted look to the composite that Whitehead had made.

Ultimately, the poster for Factory293 is a bit more visually complex than many movie posters out there, but it's both evocative and extremely effective at conveying just about everything that a potential viewer would want to know about the film before viewing it, including the title, tagline, primary characters, setting, genre, and even some of the thematic overtones. Getting all of that information into a concise visual statement like a movie poster is no small feat, and Henry and Simon pulled it off brilliantly.

In a future post, we'll take a look at one more tutorial from Factory293 that details how some of the subtle visual effects came to life.

Source: Factory293