Since the mid 80s, Daryn Okada has shot a little bit of everything. From dramatic features to television pilots, and more comedies than you could count, Okada has seen and done it all. In an excellent (and insanely in-depth) workshop posted earlier in the week by Sony Professional USA, Okada details his journey from film to digital, and then shares a great deal of knowledge about how he has been utilizing digital technology for the past few years, particularly in regards to Sony's high-end digital cinema cameras. Check it out:

The whole workshop is crazy long, but luckily, it's embedded with timecode, so you can jump around to any specific topics that interest you. Here's what Okada covers throughout the workshop:

•    Camera tests………………………………………………..00;03;15;00
•    Dolphin Tale 2 and Let’s Be Cops explained……...........00;14;25;00
•    Prepping, shooting Dolphin Tale 2………………….........00;17;00;00
•    Importance of testing……………………………………....00;20;00;00
•    Let’s Be Cops Camera Tests………...……………….......00;21;39;00
•    Hair and Makeup tests………………………….……….....00;23;00;00
•    On set dailies, workflow....…………………………….......00;28;00;00
•    Lighting tests, lenses..……………………………………..00;30;00;00
•    Footage of lighting tests explained………………........….00;45;00;00
•    Questions from audience……………………………….....00;48;30;00
•    Mechanical Shutter / Global Shutter………………..........00;51;00;00
•    Shooting Log………………………………………………...00;55;00;00
•    S-Log / SGamut……………………………………………..00;57;00;00
•    Cranes and rigs and power.…………………………….....00;59;50;00 
•    Underwater camera rig..……………………………….......01;04;35;00
•    OSD colorfront……………………………………………....01;06;30;00
•    Mounting cameras on cars…………………………….......01;09;40;00
•    Improv on Driving scenes……………………………….....01;15;00;00
•    Differences between F65, F55, F5…………………..........01;27;30;00
•    Exposure testing……………………………….……………01;36;00;00
•    Film labs and image quality….………………………….....01;38;00;00
•    8 bit, 10 bit, 12 bit…………………………………………...01;40;00;00
•    High Dynamic Range……………………………………….01;42;00;00
•    ACES and HDR with Open EXR………………………......01;44;00;00
•    Exposure meters, tools and techniques…........................01;47;00;00
•    RAW Viewer……………………………….………………...01;57;30;00
•    S-Log footage evaluation………………………..………....02:00:00:00
•    Importance of 16 bit for underwater………………............02;06;45;00
•    ACES with 16 bit Linear RAW…………….…………….....02;08;25;00
•    Monitoring in 709………………………………………….....02;12;00;00
•    Having the 16 bit range for VFX.……………………..........02;12;20;00
•    Setting values for HDR……………………………………...02;17;00;00
•    The final color grade………………….……………………..02;20;00;00
•    ASC CDL in 9 numbers……………………………………..02;24;00;00
•    The best way to shoot…………………………………...….02;25;37;00
•    Filters in front of the lens……………………………….......02;27;30;00
•    Stops and how to apply……………………….…………....02;30;30;00
•    How to select a crash cam………………………………....02;33;29;00
•    HDR and IMAX………………………………………………02;34;40;00
•    Focus assist tools and the art of focusing……….............02;37;15;00

Source: Sony Professional USA -- Vimeo