Co-hosts Jon Fusco, Charles Haine, and yours truly, Liz Nord, get into what the FAA's new rules—which went into effect this week—will mean for those doing aerial cinematography professionally or as hobbyists, and how they affect everybody else, too. We discuss the pros and cons (spoiler alert: mostly cons) of Canon’s new 5D Mark IV release, say goodbye to the beloved comedic actor Gene Wilder, and give advice on solutions for getting steady shots without carrying a lot of extra weight. We also hear from filmmaker and DP Erik Shirai, whose documentary The Birth of Sake will have its broadcast premiere on PBS' POV on September 5. As always, the show brings more news you can use about gear, upcoming grant and festival deadlines, this week’s indie film releases,  and other notable things you might have missed while you were busy making films.

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This episode of Indie Film Weekly was produced and edited by Jon Fusco