Outside of the hardware battle for filmmaker allegiance, co-hosts Jon FuscoEmily Buder, and yours truly, Liz Nord go to the front lines of the Dakota Access oil pipeline protests to find out why police are targeting journalists and shooting down drones. We also discuss the death of Vine, the birth of Kickstarter Live, and, in our Ask No Film School segment, what you should expect to pay for a short film screenplay. Tech writer Charles Haine joins us to bring the latest gear news, and as always, we update you on upcoming grant and festival deadlines, this week’s indie film releases, and other notable things you might have missed while you were busy making films.

Show Links & Mentions

No Film School articles 

Filmmaking Tools

Upcoming Deadlines: Grants & Opportunities

Upcoming Deadlines: Festivals

Film Releases




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This episode of Indie Film Weekly was produced and edited by Jon Fusco.