Sketch comedy is one of my favorite forms of entertainment. It's short, it's funny, and is almost always absolutely unhinged and weird. And no one does it better than Saturday Night Live. I've put together a massive list of the best SNL skits of all time, from classics like Mr. Robinson's Neighborhood and Matt Foley to bizarre gems like Dr. Beaman's Office and Massive Head Wound Harry.

Let's take a look!

More Cowbell

Who knew a skit about The Blue Oyster Cult and a cowbell would become one of the most quoted SNL sketches of all time?

Matt Foley: Van Down By The River

The wheezing, red-faced Matt Foley has to be Chris Farley's most famous character.

Celebrity Jeopardy

Norm McDonald as Burt Reynolds putting that damn oversized cowboy hat on Will Farrell's head is chef's kiss comedy.

Close Encounter

Kate McKinnon made almost everyone break with this one.

Star Wars Undercover Boss: Starkiller Base

Probably one of the best cross-overs that SNL has done. Kylo Ren being on Undercover Boss is dangerously funny.

Haunted Elevator (ft. David S. Pumpkins)

Yes. Yes, I have many questions. What were Mikey Day, Bobby Moynihan, and Streeter Seidell thinking when they wrote this? What is that song? Why is it perfect?

Walking Dead Chappell's Show

All of Dave Chappelle's most hilarious characters all in one place? And they're talking to each other? Yes!

A Thanksgiving Miracle

Okay... Beck Bennett's Adele fingernails get me every time.

I Am Your Mother

Fred Armisen's overacting makes this sketch unforgettable.

Career Day

Oh god... that poor bird.

Target Lady Meets Her First Lesbian

You can't have a list of the Best SNL Sketches without including the Target Lady. This one has to be my favorite.

Beavis and Butt-Head

This is the iconic Heidi Gardner break and Ryan Gosling and Mikey Day are legends for causing it.

Debbie Downer: Disney World

Classic Debbie Downer. And ending the sketch with the ultimate downer was brilliant.

New Girlfriend

Why can't Fred Armisen just... be this person? Like all the time. For everything.

Washington's Dream

This list has a ton of older sketches that became classics, but this recent one featuring comedian and SNL host Nate Bargatze proves that SNL has still got it.

The U.S. Men's Heterosexual Figure Skating Championship

Beck Bennett plays the perfect skeevy creep. (That's a compliment, I swear.)

Mr. Robinson's Neighborhood: Puppet Show

"Who is it!!!??" Oh, it's just Eddie Murphey making this sketch iconic.

Back Home Ballers

Leslie Jones and Lil' Baby Aidy kill it in this sketch. Friggin' "Bowls, bowls, all type uh bowls..."

Natalie Raps

Natalie Portman went hard with this one.

Schiller Visions: Hidden Camera Commercials

This has to be in my top five favorite SNL sketches. It's bizarre. The physical comedy of Chris Farley is spot on. That lady getting pied in the face TWICE. Brilliant.

The Art Dealers: Their Daughter’s New Boyfriend

"Jeh. Uhr. Err. Effuhr. GWEFF"

Evil Boss

The progression of Will Farrell's anger and violence is fantastic.

Dysfunctional Family Dinner

"I drive a Dodge Stratus!"

Jeffrey's with Sean Hayes

What's in the SNL special sauce? For sure small motorized vehicles is one ingredient.

Dr. Beaman's Office: Test Results

Remember that personal top five I mentioned earlier? Yeah. This one is number one for me. Literally, WTF.

Dissing Your Dog

Only Will Farrell could get away with berating dogs.

Weekend Update: The Iceberg on the Sinking of the Titanic

Ahhhh, the sketch that made Bowen Yang an SNL star.

Space The Infinite Frontier: Dr. Kent Wahler

Will Farrell auditioned with his Harry Caray character. This is probably one of his best portrayals.

Gap Girls at the Food Court

"Lay off me! I'm starving!!!"

Wake Up and Smile

The cast's descent into madness for such a stupid reason is hilarious.

Get Off the Shed

Will Farrell's comedic genius is 80% yelling. Those kids better get off that damn shed!

Surprise Party

I'm sorry, but Kristen Wiig went all out for this sketch.

The Californians: Stuart Has Cancer

The Californians helped all of us outside of L.A. understand how important knowing how to navigate the city is.

P.J. Doesn't Fit Into Women's Group

Melissa McCarthy might as well be an SNL cast member. Her aggressive form of comedy fits in so well.

Chippendales Audition

An absolute classic. Chris Farley seriously has the moves!

Diner Lobster

"Okay, so what if some guy orders the lobster at a diner and the lobster is like... Le Mis?"

The Delicious Dish with Pete Schweddy

Ana Gasteyer and Molly Shannon always killed it with Delicious Dish, but this one featuring Alec Baldwin's Schweddy Balls is top tier.

St. Monica's High School Talent Auditions

Of course, we have to include Mary Katherine Gallagher!

White Like Me

Eddie Murphey going incognito as a white guy to show the advantages they have is that acerbic kind of comedy that SNL used to be known for back in the day.

Black Jeopardy with Tom Hanks

Keenan Thompson's "YES" makes this entire sketch.

Spelling Bee

Will Forte plays "the weird guy" so well. Honestly, him repeating letters like this would be a perfect meditation track for me.

Totinos with Kristen Stewart

Too many things to mention here. The intensity of the kitchen scene versus that of the living room. How Kristen Stewart and Vanessa Bayer just randomly switch into speaking French. Remembering that this is an ad for Totino's!!!

Colonel Angus

You don't often see SNL featuring an entire sketch based on wordplay, but when you do, it's comedic gold.

Meet Your Second Wife

I mean... it's so true, though.

Super Showcase Spokesmodels

Kristen Wiig! Get out of that golf cart!

Swarovski Crystals

This sketch has too many quotable lines to count. And Vanessa Bayer's and Cecily Strong's deliveries are absolutely hilarious.

CBS Evening News: Katie Couric Interviews Sarah Palin

Tina Fey was obviously born to play Sarah Palin.

Weekend Update: Stefon on Autumn's Hottest Tips

Nothing compares to the chemistry between Stefon and Seth Meyers... except watching Bill Hader break when mentioning Dan Cortese.

Massive Head Wound Harry

Someone get that dog! (Actually, don't. He's stealing the show.)

Protective Mom

Pedro Pascal is a zaddy, but he's definitely serving Mother in this sketch. Watch out for that chancla!

Mom Jeans

I'm pretty sure SNL was the first to call out how ugly these jeans were.


I mean, we were all thinking it.

Sean Spicer Press Conference

What Tina Fey is to Sarah Palin, Melissa McCarthy is to Sean Spicer.

Bill, Saddam and Monica Have a Three-Way Call

Molly Shannon's performance in this devil's triangle is perfection.

Reality Stars

The switch once the cameras start rolling always has me rolling.

Buckwheat Buys the Farm

I consider Eddie Murphey's whole Buckwheat saga to be one that only true SNL superfans love and adore this much.

Weekend Update: Jane, You Ignorant Slut

Dan Aykroyd's delivery is everything.

The Lawrence Welk Show: Introducing The Maharelle Sisters

Dooneese became an icon thanks to this sketch.

Roseanne Roseannadanna on Smoking

Gilda Radner was a comedic genius, and her character Roseanne Roseannadanna made her an icon.

Sarah Palin and Hillary Address the Nation

This has to be one of the funniest sketches Tina Fey and Amy Poehler did together.

The Sinatra Group

I just love watching Phil Hartman play Sinatra.

Suel Forrester Southern Lawyer

"A siddiddy... a siddiddy drinkie papa."

Christmas Robe

Poor Kristen Wiig. I hope that robe was comfortable at least.

Zagat's with Hank and Beverly Gelfand: Anniversary

Okay... the way Adam Sandler pulls away from Chris Farley's hand.

Lunch Lady Land

Chris Farley's dancing in this sketch is fantastic!

Inside the Actors Studio: Charles Nelson Reilly

Will Farrell managed to capture James Lipton's immense intensity so hilariously.

The Chris Farley Show with Jeff Daniels

"Ya...ya 'member when..."

December to Remember Car Commercial

Definitely a December (and sketch) to remember...

Bill Swerski's Super Fans: Thanksgiving

That porkchop, though.

The Librarian

Why does this make me love Margot Robbie more?

Bobby Watches Grandma

Adam Sandler playing a needy and temperamental grandma is actually super entertaining, but it's Michael Keaton's awesome tiger print bikini undies that make this sketch amazing.

Bennett Brauer

Pretty sure Bennett Brauer made air quotes famous.

Short Shorts for the USA

Seriously, why are those shorts... so short?

Sally O'Malley's Rockette Open Audition

Sheeeeeeeeeee's 50!

The McLaughlin Group

"Mondo Jackalope G-Man Mania Jamonicle Jack-o-Lantern J G Jammy Jammy Jammy Mayhem." Dana Carvey is definitely insane.

Weekend Update: Jacob Silj on American Relations with China

Again, the louder Will Farrell is the funnier he is.

Weekend Update: Randy Graves

Read the papes, this sketch is HUGE!

Luvahs: Walter

So cringe and yet so funny. I'm pretty sure plenty of us have had a college professor who was like one of these characters.

Coffee Talk: Liz Rosenberg and Barbra Streisand

Mike Meyers taught an entire generation how to say "cooahfee tooahk."

Pretty Living: New Joy

I love this sketch. I loveitIloveitIloveitILOVEit!"

What are your favorite SNL sketches? Which ones should be added to the list?