While Resolve has Fairlight built in, many still want to finish their audio in Pro Tools. Checkout this Resolve to ProTools handover that has stood the test of time.

Play Well With Others, Post Production 

As Resolve increasingly takes off as an editing platform, it becomes even more to know how to have Resolve play well with other platforms. That's no problem with getting projects into Resolve, there are dozens of articles and videos on that subject. But what about getting your project from Resolve somewhere else? What about Pro Tools?

While Resolve has an amazing inbuilt Digital Audio Workstation (DAW) with Fairlight that is more than capable, Protools remains the industry standard for audio post production work and you'll still end up having to connect with Pro Tools from time to time. For those times when your audio mixer is deep into Pro Tools hardware and plugins and insists, this is the handover workflow for you.

DaVinci Resolve 17 Deliver to Sound - Pro Tools