This is a difficult decision to make when you feel pulled in both directions. Well, who says you have to choose one or the other? Maybe you can combine your passions together and make something extra special.

In today’s episode, No Film School’s GG Hawkins and Jason Hellerman speak with singer-songwriter, Grace Potter to discuss:

  • Ending a film major in order to pursue a fast-moving, music career
  • How being in a music studio is like doing post-production for a film
  • The difference in pacing in film versus music
  • Writing a set list as if it were a mini-movie
  • Why watching other people hate your work is a good thing
  • Collaborating with director Catherine Fordham
  • Eating spaghetti for breakfast every day
  • Making Ridley Scott the best cup of coffee
  • Not being allowed to watch television growing up
  • Writing alone versus collaborating with others

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This episode of The No Film School Podcast was produced by GG Hawkins.