TikTok, the fastest-growing media platform, has become a strange but vital tool in our day-to-day lives. Whether you're watching “how to” videos to improve your filmmaking or enjoying the many fan cam videos of our favorite celebrities, TikTok is here to stay.

But as this platform grows, editing videos on your phone just might not cut it, which is why using something like Adobe Premiere Pro to elevate your attention-grabbing videos. On a platform that has thousands upon thousands of videos that don’t stand out, it's important to make your content shine.

Why Premiere Pro, you ask? Not only has it been used to edit the Oscar-winning film Everything Everywhere All at Once but it has a reasonable price tag that makes it great for newer filmmakers and editors to have access to the tools needed to make professional-looking videos and films. However, if you want some more affordable options, keep on reading.

We suggest you bookmark this page, as you’ll want to refer back to this information often.

Let's get started.

Making TikToks on Premiere Pro?

Unlike YouTube videos, TikTok is all about its fast-paced, attention-grabbing videos. Unfortunately, this means that the easiest thing a viewer can do is swipe to the next video. Adding a bit of production value to your content will make viewers pause for those precious seconds.

The most important thing your videos need to do is capture the viewer’s attention within the first two to three seconds. If you want more views on TikTok, then you need to instantly capture viewers’ attention, get to the point of your video, and keep them coming back for more.

Editing TikTok videos on Adobe Premiere ProCredit: Gorodenkoff - stock.adobe.com

According to LaterBlog, the TikTok algorithm in 2023 works based heavily on completion time and rewatching. TikTok Creator Robert Cole told Adobe, “Completed watch time and rewatching are some of the biggest factors in how well a video does with the algorithm. People think likes are a big factor, but likes are actually the least important factor. Watch time is number one, and the number of shares and comments are right behind that.”

The best-performing videos on TikTok clock in around 20 to 45 seconds. The longer your video is, the harder it is to reach that completion time. If you have a video that is 60 seconds long, then you have to make something worth people’s very short attention spans. This is where that production value comes in.

How to Edit a TikTok with Adobe Premiere Pro

While you can edit your videos straight on your phone, the UI isn't really designed for intensive transitions, effects, and splitscreen.

If you want your TikToks to have high-quality edit that grabs a viewer’s attention, you gotta edit like the pros. There are a few ways you can edit your video with the editing software, but Joseph Todd breaks down how to edit TikTok videos perfectly.

You can check out his video and scroll down to see the step-by-step instructions on how to make attention-grabbing TikTok videos on Adobe Premier Pro.

Here is how you edit and export TikToks on Adobe Premiere Pro:

  1. Open Adobe Premiere Pro, and create a new project.
  2. Import the clips onto your workflow.
  3. Create a sequence with the proper dimensions by clicking “File” > “New” > “Sequence” > “Settings.” In “Settings,” you can reverse the video landscape to a vertical or portrait landscape (1080 by 1920). Most platforms like TikTok use this aspect ratio, but if you crosspost to a different platform, be sure to check your specification.
  4. If your content is shot horizontally you need to expand your videos to fit the frame. On your timeline, scale the video clips to the vertical format by clicking “Effects,” and scaling your video to the exact position of your preference.
  5. You can do this to your other clips by selecting them and clicking “Edit” > “Paste Attributes” > “Motion” to crop in on all of the other clips.
  6. Here's where Premiere Pro shines. You can add audio, sound effects, or voice-overs and have granular control over where it goes and how pronounced it is.
  7. Next, add special effects, transitions, filters, stickers, or more to add more visuals to your TikTok. Just make sure all of it is balanced.
  8. Export your video at 1080p. While some devices will have a higher resolution display, most apps only deliver content in 1080p. Don't render out anything higher as you'll just be wasting resolution when you upload.
  9. To export in the specific settings, click “Match Source” so the video exports with the correct dimensions. Also, make sure to render the video at maximum bit depth, and change the Variable Bit Rate (VBR) to two passes to add sharpness and clarity.
  10. Transfer the MP4 to your phone through Dropbox to Airdrop and then upload to TikTok.

It might not be as simple as taking a video on your phone and hitting upload, but the extra steps will add a lot of production value. And don't forget to focus on what makes your content special. Really digging into the theme of your material will also add a lot of value to viewers, even if you're just vlogging.

Edit TikTok Videos Fast

If you want to take a shorter route, then we recommend filming, editing, and sharing your TikToks with the Adobe Premiere Rush app. You can download the app for free from the iOs or Andriod store.

Adobe Premiere Rush Steps:

  1. Tap on the plus (+) button at the bottom of the home page.
  2. On the “Create New Project” menu, select “Add Media” to choose which type of content you want to add to your project. You can also choose “Take Video” or “Photo” to film in the app.
  3. Choose your clips and sequence them in the project timeline. Here you can trim clips to your desired length.
  4. Add audio, sound effects, or voice-overs just like you would in Premiere Pro.
  5. Don't forget your special effects, transitions, and filters to add that extra splash.
  6. Resize your video to fit TikTok’s aspect ratio, which is 9:16 at a resolution of 1080 by 1920. The same rules apply as above.
  7. Export directly to TikTok or any other social media platform of your choice.

A Cheaper Alternative to Editing TikTok Videos

If you don't want to pay for Adobe Premiere Pro or use Premiere Rush, you can always use DaVinci Resolve (which has a great free option), or use iMovie on your phone if you have an iPhone.

Now that you know how to make your TikToks with one of our favorite editing software, play around with the different ideas and content that will help you gain followers on TikTok while also showing off your skills as a filmmaker.

Let us know if you have any tricks and tips for editing TikToks on Premiere Pro in the comments below!

Source: Joseph Todd