In life, we can’t please everyone. There will be people who “get us” and others who simply don’t. It’s the same when you’re a filmmaker. Your work won’t vibe with everyone who sees it, and that’s totally okay! It's actually probably for the best.

In today’s episode, No Film School’s GG Hawkins speaks with filmmakers Sam Baron and Madison Lanesy to discuss:

  • What it’s like to receive polarized reactions
  • Feeling terrified to share projects with personal subject matter
  • Career lessons from Ice Age and Mrs.Doubtfire
  • Having a YouTube video go viral at 17 years old
  • The story behind the name of Sam’s short, The Orgy
  • Turning in films as book reports in middle school
  • The beauty and freedom of improv acting
  • Sam’s process of submitting shorts
  • Pushing past fear and discomfort
  • Working with a team that believes in your project
  • Making personal sacrifices while working on projects

Listen to more episodes of the No Film School podcast right here:

This episode of The No Film School Podcast was produced by GG Hawkins.