If you haven't seen Spider-Man: Into The Spider-Verse yet, then you're missing out. This is a nuanced story about life, family, role models, growing up, and making friends. The action is beautiful, engaging, and carries the movie into the "instant classic" spectrum. 

But how did we get here? 

When I saw the trailer for this movie months ago, I was worried. It looks like it had a ton of characters, could be unfocused, and I was terrified the action would be choppy. 

None of this is true. 

First off, the movie balances its characters by focusing in on Miles Morales. As we get to know Miles, we slowly get to know the people from the extended universes. This slow build gives us time to learn and love everything about these people. And to identify with Miles' struggles. He's a great protagonist

The internal struggle of Miles is the most captivating in the movie. The choice of whether or not he should be like his Dad or Uncle is a powerful one, and gives an emotional charge to even the funniest parts of the film.  We come to understand Miles' relationship with his parents, and the worries he has growing up. 

As the below video references, this movie is so good that I am truly blown away. 

We've had a bit of a Spider-Man influx in recent years, with a dozen movies being released. That star, or at least feature this character. My deep fear was that this would come across like a cash grab, but it actually is a soulful entry into an expanding Spider-Man universe. 

Another thing that makes this character jump off the screen is the music in this film. The score is transcendent and always amps up every moment. But the use of popular songs also scores the world of Miles. It truly feels like he's a contemporary teen with an extraordinary gift. 

And I'm a big fan of Vince Staples. 

So if you have a second over the holidays, get your butt into a theater and check out this inventive and exciting movie. 

And let me know what you thought of the film in the comments! 

Spider-Man: Into the Spider-Verse was created by this team: 

Directed by 

Bob Persichetti

Peter Ramsey

Rodney Rothman

Writing Credits  

Phil Lord...(screenplay by)

Brian Michael Bendis...(Miles Morales created by) &

Sara Pichelli...(Miles Morales created by)

Steve Ditko...(Spider-Man created by)

David Hine...(comic characters created by)

Stan Lee...(Spider-Man created by)

Rodney Rothman...(screenplay by)

Fabrice Sapolsky...(comic characters created by)

Check it out while it's still in theaters!