Qrslate-224x163I've used (and unfortunately paid for) a couple of iPhone slates in the past. They both worked in their own ways, but they weren't really as good as the real thing. The one positive that I've enjoyed from these slate apps is that they can be much easier to read, whether you're in the dark, or your AC is getting sloppy with their handwriting. QRSlate is a whole different animal. So if you're looking for a new slate app to go with that new iPad, this one can give you automatic metadata when you transfer your footage. It's a pretty clever solution to help save you time and aggravation in post.

Thanks to cinema5D for originally finding this, here's a video explaining the process:

Here is a tutorial using their Desktop App, which is necessary to make the QR feature work:

A description of the entire process from their website:

  • Shoot your project using QR Slate the same way you’d shoot with any other slate: Hold it up and record it. Make sure the camera can see it!
  • When you’re finished, import the footage to your computer like usual. Drag and drop the movie files into the QR Slate desktop application. The Desktop App will analyze your video, find the slates within the movies themselves, and then import the footage into Final Cut Pro 7 and Avid with the included metadata!
  • But what if you’ve already slated the take, you’re rolling, and need to revise it? Or there’s a take you really like and want to mark it for later? You couldn’t have known that before the roll!
  • The Script Supervisor / Take Organizer lets you revise, modify, and delete takes on set. You can change any available field and get everything clean and organized before passing it off to editorial. All those preciously helpful script supervisor notes will no longer by thrown in a drawer next to the sound report ever again!
  • During the roll, you can also drop Markers. Markers can be named and commented on, and will appear in your clip when imported into the NLE, right where you added them during the shoot! A powerful tool for long single takes on things like reality tv or documentary.
  • When you’re finished with the shoot, you can email yourself an updater file, drop it in with the footage, and your media will be automatically updated with the most recent metadata!

This is really one of the most useful slate apps I've ever seen. Not only does it help you stay organized, but it's going to greatly speed up your post workflow by giving you real metadata. One of the more interesting features is the ability to drop markers. If there's any relevant information you need to remember about a take while it's happening, like a particular line delivery or a mistake (like a boom in the shot), this is a great way to have it automatically attached to the clip in post for you or your editor. That's about as handy as it gets. Obviously this doesn't completely solve all slating issues, but it's a relatively cheap solution to a rather annoying and time-consuming problem.

The software has been updated to work on all major editors: Final Cut Pro 7, Final Cut Pro X, Adobe Premiere Pro, and Avid Media Composer. The iPhone and iPad apps are free, but the Desktop App will run you $40. If you need a quick turn-around for something you're shooting, having clips already named correctly can save a tremendous amount of time.


  • QRSlate iPhone/iPad App - iTunes
  • QRSlate Desktop App - Mac App Store
  • QRSlate Website

[via cinema5D]