Behold our new logo! While our complete site redesign is still a ways off, we're premiering this new logo, very cleanly designed by David Ceraso, right away on our present site. Read on for some further pontification, as well as some news on our coverage of this year's installment of the world's largest film/video tradeshow, NAB.
This may go without explaining, but the new logo picks up on this:
And this:
While also being recognizable and distinctive in its own right.
For posterity's sake, here's what the old "logo" looked like -- when I was designing the site, I never got around to creating a proper logo and so we've been stuck without a real logo for years:
Good riddance!
FreshDV Partnership
Next week is the year's biggest film/video tradeshow, NAB, and NFS editor Joe Marine and I will be there in person. Stop by and say "hi!" if you spot us. We'll be partnering with our friends at FreshDV for video coverage of the show this year, as they have been doing a great job for many a NAB. Our latest coverage of this year's show will always be available with this tag, which we'll publicize more during the show (April 7-11). We're excited to be bringing you this year's coverage from the show floor -- I think there will be some pretty significant stuff showing up for filmmakers this year.
Like our new logo? Hate it? Let us know...
Oh, and now that we have an actual logo, you know what we have to figure out next... business cards!