Welcome to the premiere episode of Indie Film Weekly! Hosted by No Film School Founding Editor Ryan Koo and me, Editor-in-Chief Liz Nord, we keep you updated on what’s happening in the world of indie film, as reported by and for filmmakers. From headlines, to new gear, to important deadlines, we make sure you're caught up.

This week, we share indie analysis of both the Film Independent Spirit Awards and the Oscars (plus #JusticeForFlint); announce some exciting changes on—literally—our own doorstep; update you on this year's Berlinale, Europe’s second largest film festival and market; and give you a rundown of the latest filmmaking tools, upcoming deadlines and indie releases. And here's the interview we mention in the show with Tangerine co-Director of Photography Radium Cheung, HKSC.

Show Links & Mentions:

Filmmaking Tools

Upcoming Deadlines: Opportunities

Upcoming Deadlines: Grants

Upcoming Deadlines: Festivals

Indie Releases



We’re a new show, so please let us know what you would like to hear more (or less) of in the comments below. What indie film news is important for you to stay on top of each week?

Meanwhile, please subscribe and rate us in iTunesSoundcloud, or the podcasting app of your choice. Find us on Twitter: @lizfilm, @ryanbkoo, and of course @nofilmschool.