No motion graphic sequences are as iconic as the holograms from the Star Wars saga. From "Help me, Obi-Wan Kenobi" to "It’s true—all of it," Star Wars and ILM have single-handedly introduced the hologram into the cinematic language. 

In honor of the Rogue One premiere this Friday, the team at PremiumBeat put together a detailed tutorial on how to create a hologram of your own using After Effects.

Here’s the look:

In the tutorial, you'll learn how to simulate lighting and depth of field using 3D cameras. Then, you'll learn how to composite the elements in After Effects.

While this covers a Star Wars-inspired hologram, the same technique can also be applied to create HUDs, such as those necessary for military or superhero aesthetics.

The tutorial comes fully equipped with a free project file and video assets. If you'd like to follow along using the same clips, PremiumBeat highly encourages you to download the project file here.

Source: PremiumBeat