As a screenwriter, the protagonist is the character who will carry the story and serve as the audience's entry point into the world of your film or TV show.

It's crucial to create a protagonist that is interesting, relatable, and complex enough to keep audiences engaged for the duration of the story. In this blog, we'll explore the key elements that make up a great protagonist and provide tips for creating characters that will captivate your audience and drive your story forward.

Whether you're writing a drama, comedy, action, or any other genre, the tips and techniques we'll cover will help you craft a protagonist that is both memorable and impactful.

Let's get started!

The key aspects to writing a great hero character.'The Hunger Games'Credit: Lionsgate

What Are Some Compelling Attributes of a Hero Character?

A hero character is often defined by certain compelling attributes that make them appealing and inspiring to audiences. Some of these attributes include:

  1. Courage: A hero is often brave and willing to face danger to help others and fight for what is right.

  2. Integrity: Heroes are often depicted as having a strong sense of morality and ethical principles. They do what is right, even when it's difficult or unpopular.

  3. Selflessness: Heroes often put the needs of others before their own and are willing to make sacrifices for the greater good.

  4. Determination: Heroes often have a strong will and are unwavering in their pursuit of their goals. They don't give up easily and are always pushing forward.

  5. Intelligence: Heroes are often depicted as being clever and resourceful, able to solve problems and think on their feet.

  6. Empathy: Heroes often have a deep understanding of others and are able to connect with people on an emotional level. They are able to inspire others and bring out the best in those around them.

  7. Physical prowess: Some heroes are portrayed as being physically strong and capable, able to overcome obstacles through their physical abilities.

  8. Humility: Despite their many positive attributes, heroes are often humble and don't let their accomplishments go to their heads. They are able to maintain a sense of perspective and stay grounded.

These are just a few examples of the attributes that can make a hero character compelling. Ultimately, what makes a hero character inspiring to audiences is the combination of these attributes and the unique personality and backstory that make them stand out.

Sometimes these are hard to enter in the story. But when it comes to writing, there are other things to think about. 

The key aspects to writing a great hero character.'The Hateful Eight'Credit: The Weinstein Company

What Other Features Can You Add To Your Protagonist? 

In screenwriting, a hero character often possesses certain attributes that make them appealing and inspiring to audiences. Some of these attributes include:

  1. Strength of character: A hero in screenwriting is often depicted as having a strong sense of morality and unwavering resolve in the face of adversity. They do what is right, even when it's difficult or unpopular.

  2. Resourcefulness: Heroes in screenwriting are often depicted as being clever and inventive, able to think on their feet and find solutions to difficult problems.

  3. Courage: A hero in screenwriting is often brave and willing to face danger in order to help others and fight for what is right.

  4. Selflessness: Heroes in screenwriting often put the needs of others before their own, sacrificing their own interests for the greater good.

  5. Emotional depth: Heroes in screenwriting are often complex characters with rich emotional lives. They are able to evoke empathy from audiences by facing real-world challenges and experiencing genuine emotions.

  6. Physical prowess: Some heroes in screenwriting are depicted as being physically strong and capable, able to overcome obstacles through their physical abilities.

  7. Determination: Heroes in screenwriting are often depicted as having a strong will and unwavering determination, never giving up in the face of adversity.

  8. Leadership: Heroes in screenwriting often possess strong leadership qualities, inspiring others to follow their example and work together to achieve a common goal.

  9. Vulnerability: A hero in screenwriting is often depicted as a relatable, flawed character with weaknesses and imperfections. This allows audiences to see the hero as a real person, rather than an idealized figure.

These are just a few examples of the attributes that can make a hero character in screenwriting compelling. Ultimately, what makes a hero character inspiring to audiences is the combination of these attributes and the unique personality and backstory that make them stand out.

The key aspects to writing a great hero character.'The Avengers'Credit: Walt Disney Studios Motion Pictures

Examples of Complex Heroes in Screenwriting 

In screenwriting, there have been many characters who are considered to be complex and multi-dimensional heroes. Here are a few examples:

  1. Tony Stark (Iron Man): A genius inventor and businessman, Tony Stark is depicted as a flawed hero who grapples with his own ego and past mistakes.

  2. Clarice Starling (The Silence of the Lambs): Clarice is a smart and empathetic FBI agent who is tasked with tracking down a dangerous serial killer.

  3. Furiosa (Mad Max: Fury Road): Furiosa is a complex and determined character who rises up against a tyrannical ruler and leads a group of oppressed women to freedom.

  4. Sarah Connor (The Terminator): Sarah Connor is a strong and resourceful character who faces impossible odds in order to protect her son and prevent a bleak future.

  5. Batman (The Dark Knight): The brooding, mysterious vigilante is known for his dark, complicated personality and his internal struggles with morality.

  6. Ripley (Alien): Ripley is a strong and capable hero who faces the alien threat with courage and determination.

  7. Jesse Pinkman (Breaking Bad): Jesse is a complex character who transforms from a small-time drug dealer to a hero in his own right over the course of the show.

  8. Walter White (Breaking Bad): The protagonist of the show, Walter White, is a flawed hero who transforms from a mild-mannered high school teacher to a criminal mastermind.

  9. Jack Bauer (24): Jack Bauer is a complex character who is depicted as a hero who is willing to make difficult, morally gray decisions in order to protect his country.

  10. Max (Mad Max): The post-apocalyptic hero is depicted as a loner who is driven by his own personal demons, making him a complex and compelling character.

  11. Katniss Everdeen (The Hunger Games): Katniss is a hero who is portrayed as a determined and resourceful young woman who rises up against a corrupt government.

  12. Wonder Woman (Wonder Woman): Wonder Woman is a powerful and empathetic hero who fights for justice and peace, while also grappling with her own complex backstory.

  13. Black Widow (Black Widow): Black Widow is a complex and skilled hero who is portrayed as a complex and flawed character, with a rich emotional life and a deep sense of loyalty to her friends.

These are just a few examples of complex heroes in screenwriting. These characters are often celebrated for their depth and realism, as well as their ability to evoke strong emotions from audiences.

Let us know some of your favorite complex heroes in the comments. 

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