One of the things I always wondered about TikTok was how much information the Chinese government is stealing from it. Then, after that, I wondered how much money creators are making using the platform. Unless you have product placement, it feels like you couldn't actually monetize the platform. 

But TikTok is changing that. 

The company has announced its new Creativity Plan, saying, "Designed to help creators foster their creativity, generate higher revenue potential and unlock more exciting, real-world opportunities, the Creativity Program Beta is the latest addition to our range of monetization tools that support creators of all levels in being rewarded. We developed the Creativity Program based on learnings and feedback from our creators on our creator solutions, including the TikTok Creator Fund. The Creativity Program Beta will initially be available to creators by invite-only and then become available to all eligible US creators in the coming months."

Of course, since this is in the early stages, there are no specifics about money. However, there are details of who can monetize from it. You have to be at least 18 years old and meet "follower and view" requirements of at least 100,000 followers and 10k views, which is pretty high. Check out the TikTok announcement for the other specifics. 

The bigger point is you might be able to gather a following and make money using TikTok. They've always had the Creator Portal, which can connect you with ways to make money and get views. The Creator Fun they use though was criticized for low payouts. Hoping this new venture pays people fairly for keeping users on the app. 

TikTok has been slowly encroaching on what YouTube has been doing with monetization. Now, this pushes them a step closer. 

As filmmakers, I wonder if there's a way to do narrative concepts on the platform and get paid when people watch these stories. Maybe this is the perfect time for you to test the waters. 

Let us know what you think in the comments.

Source: Tech Crunch

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