RED's Jarred Land Teases New Komodo Cinema Camera Details
Komodo could be a new cinema camera direction for Hydrogen System.

Well, this is interesting. In a series of posts on Facebook, RED Fire Chief Jarred Land hinted at not only a new mid-range cinema camera called KOMODO, it also that it may offer writing to CFast cards, and what looks to be an RF Lens Mount. Is this the future of RED's middle range cinema cameras? Or is this the new direction for Hydrogen and its mythical camera module?
"Between my Komodo Cfast photo last week and Jim's reference in the Hydrogen thread there has been a ton of speculation of what Komodo is, and it sure is fun to watch imaginations run wild." - Jarred Land, REDUser Forums
Jarred Land basically gave rapid fire answers to a few questions in bullet form, warning readers that a lot still can -- and probably will --change before Komodo ships by the end of the year. But along with a few pictures, here's what we found out:
- It is not DSMC3
- It is not a replacement for DSMC2
- It is not 8k VV
- It is not a Dragon or a Helium or a Gemini or a Monstro Sensor
- It does not have an HDMI port
- It does not use proprietary media
- It is not a “module”
- It is not under $5k, unless you own a Hydrogen.
- It has no XLR ports
- It does not have a fixed lens
- Its body does not weigh more than 2 pounds.
- It is not larger than 4 inches in any dimension.
These answers seem to point to a brand new sensor, thus the new name, and with the image Land posted, many believe the camera has a Canon RF Lens Mount. That's interesting. It does seem to appear to have a larger opening than a standard Canon EF mount. Add to that this image and Land's reference of "my Komodo CFast photo," (see to the right), that it won't cost more than $5K if you own a Hydrogen mobile device, and it's no larger than 4 inches, weighing around 2 pounds. That's probably the most interesting part of this. It's not a module, but it's very small. Maybe, a pocket camera to rival the Blackmagic Pocket Cinema Camera 4k?
Maybe Komodo is a camera that will enable users to plug in their Hydrogen phones and use it as the brain, or supporting menu interface for a new unit? That would certainly be in line with the whole notion of Hydrogen being part of a new cinema system. And it won't be a module like he says above, either.
But Land says hints it records to CFast, and has a lens mount. So it is a camera. And he also mentions he's got prototypes out in the wild to "some very talented people banging on it to try and break it." Lastly, it will likely have the first batch shipping by year's end. Needless to say, with the answers to the above questions, Land has opened up a whole lot more. And what is a DSMC3?!
Can't wait for more on that.
Source: Facebook