If you're like me, then you sometimes have trouble getting your thoughts precisely down on paper. As storytellers, we want to be as concise and articulate as possible, but we also want people to feel and connect with our characters and screenplays.

This is a very delicate balance. Often, I find it best to write the first draft and get all my ideas out on the page. Then, when I have time to rewrite, I go back and do a pass where I supercharge my words. 

What is "supercharging" your words? 

Basically, you want to have a diverse amount of words inside your script. Words that help you pull emotions out of the reader. Sure, someone can "walk" across the room. but what if they strut? Or saunter? Or slink? That conjures many different characters and emotions. 

That's great writing. What can you say about a character that better indicates their mood, their personality, their goals? Since screenwriting is entirely visual, the words you choose need to help fill in the blanks for the reader or viewer.

In the moment, it can be hard to think of the perfect word. So we compiled this list to help you brainstorm what fits your scene best. 

Check out this list of words. Hopefully, it helps you on your screenwriting journey. 

Use These 250 Strong Verbs to Supercharge Your Screenwriting 

  1. Absorb
  2. Abort
  3. Advance
  4. Advise
  5. Alter
  6. Amend
  7. Amplify
  8. Attack
  9. Balloon
  10. Bash
  11. Batter
  12. Beam
  13. Beef
  14. Blab
  15. Blast
  16. Bolt
  17. Boost
  18. Brief
  19. Broadcast
  20. Brood
  21. Burst
  22. Bus
  23. Bust
  24. Capture
  25. Catch
  26. Charge
  27. Chap
  28. Chip
  29. Clasp
  30. Climb
  31. Clutch
  32. Collide
  33. Command
  34. Commune
  35. Cower
  36. Crackle
  37. Crash
  38. Crave
  39. Crush
  40. Dangle
  41. Dash
  42. Demolish
  43. Depart
  44. Deposit
  45. Detect
  46. Deviate
  47. Devour
  48. Direct
  49. Discern
  50. Discover
  51. Dismantle
  52. Download
  53. Drag
  54. Drain
  55. Drip
  56. Drop
  57. Eavesdrop
  58. Engage
  59. Engulf
  60. Enlarge
  61. Ensnare
  62. Envelop
  63. Erase
  64. Escort
  65. Expand
  66. Explode
  67. Explore
  68. Expose
  69. Extend
  70. Extract
  71. Eyeball
  72. Fight
  73. Fish
  74. Fling
  75. Fly
  76. Frown
  77. Fuse
  78. Garble
  79. Gaze
  80. Glare
  81. Gleam
  82. Glisten
  83. Glitter
  84. Gobble
  85. Govern
  86. Grasp 
  87. Gravitate
  88. Grip
  89. Groan
  90. Grope
  91. Growl
  92. Guide
  93. Gush
  94. Hack
  95. Hail
  96. Heighten
  97. Hobble
  98. Hover
  99. Hurry
  100. Ignite
  101. Illuminate
  102. Inspect
  103. Instruct
  104. Intensify
  105. Intertwine
  106. Impart
  107. Jostle
  108. Journey
  109. Lash
  110. Launch
  111. Lead
  112. Leap
  113. Locate
  114. Lurch
  115. Lurk
  116. Magnify
  117. Mimic
  118. Mint
  119. Moan
  120. Modify
  121. Multiply
  122. Muse
  123. Mushroom
  124. Mystify
  125. Notice
  126. Notify
  127. Obtain
  128. Oppress
  129. Order
  130. Paint
  131. Park
  132. Peck
  133. Peek
  134. Peer
  135. Perceive
  136. Picture
  137. Pilot
  138. Pinpoint
  139. Place
  140. Plant
  141. Plop
  142. Pluck
  143. Plunge
  144. Poison
  145. Pop
  146. Position
  147. Power
  148. Prickle
  149. Probe
  150. Prune
  151. Realize
  152. Recite
  153. Recoil
  154. Refashion
  155. Refine
  156. Remove
  157. Report
  158. Retreat
  159. Reveal
  160. Reverberate
  161. Revitalize
  162. Revolutionize
  163. Revolve
  164. Rip
  165. Rise
  166. Ruin
  167. Rush
  168. Rust
  169. Saunter
  170. Scamper
  171. Scan
  172. Scorch
  173. Scrape
  174. Scratch
  175. Scrawl
  176. Seize
  177. Serve
  178. Shatter
  179. Shepherd
  180. Shimmer
  181. Shine
  182. Shock
  183. Shrivel
  184. Sizzle
  185. Skip
  186. Skulk
  187. Slash
  188. Slide
  189. Slink
  190. Slip
  191. Slump
  192. Slurp
  193. Smash
  194. Smite
  195. Snag
  196. Snarl
  197. Sneak
  198. Snowball
  199. Soar
  200. Spam
  201. Sparkle
  202. Sport
  203. Sprinkle
  204. Stare
  205. Starve
  206. Steal
  207. Steer
  208. Storm
  209. Strain
  210. Stretch
  211. Strip
  212. Stroll
  213. Struggle
  214. Stumble
  215. Supercharge
  216. Supersize
  217. Surge
  218. Survey
  219. Swell
  220. Swipe
  221. Swoon
  222. Tail
  223. Tattle
  224. Toddle
  225. Transfigure
  226. Transform
  227. Travel
  228. Treat
  229. Trim
  230. Trip
  231. Trudge
  232. Tussle
  233. Uncover
  234. Unearth
  235. Untangle
  236. Unveil
  237. Usher
  238. Veil
  239. Wail
  240. Weave
  241. Wind
  242. Withdraw
  243. Wreck
  244. Wrench
  245. Wrest
  246. Wrestle
  247. Wring
  248. Yank
  249. Zing
  250. Zap
What do you think of this list? Leave additions in the comments.