F3-224x124FilmsDaMente has posted some beautiful uncorrected Sony F3 footage shot in Portugal, using nothing fancier than the stock 4:2:0 35Mbps codec. Some of these shots (by Nuno Rocha and Victor Santos) are downright painterly, and make one wonder about the supposed "limitations" of shooting traditional video vs. working with a RAW workflow. RAW has plenty of advantages -- it gives the most flexibility in post -- but video also has its advantages, by allowing for a shorter (and cheaper) post-production pipeline. Always something to keep in mind when planning for any production. Here's the footage:

I did note a bit of CMOS skew in the moving train scene, though the F3 is reportedly more than twice as fast as the 5D Mark II. Also, I noticed the sunset highlights look like they're exhibiting the saturated highlight clipping problem that is supposed to only affect regular REC 709 gammas -- but according to the vimeo page, this was shot in Cinegammas 1 and 3. May be something to keep tabs on...

[via FreshDV]