NAB Video: Cinevate Axis Jib
We took a look at the Cinevate Axis Jab at last year's NAB, but they've made quite a few improvements that really make this even more set-ready. Our friends at FreshDV checked out the jib this year at the Cinevate booth, and talked with Dennis Wood about some of the changes and improvements over the model they were showing at NAB 2012. Watch the video below:
$2,300 might seem like a lot at first, but this isn't a DSLR jib (since it can hold 50 pounds or more), this is a professional tool designed to give you results in all sorts of situations. With the pan and tilt head, you can accomplish some moves that would have normally required a much more expensive device. I really like the marking rings, as repeating moves with a manual jib is next to impossible. This makes it that much easier.
Head on over to the Cinevate website to check out the jib as well as the rest of their support gear.
Disclosure: Cinevate is a No Film School advertiser.