His work in The Revenant has been the topic of conversation for months (especially after winning an Oscar for it last night), and before that, and the brilliant "seemless" camerawork in Birdman. But what exactly distinguishes Lubezki's cinematography from other DPs? This video from wolfcrow breaks down the techniques of the illustrious cinematographer, including how he uses natural light, as well as what motivates him to move his camera. It's a great starting point for those who want to know more about good ol' Chivo!

One interesting thing about Lubezki's approach to cinematography is that even though he certainly has his own distinctive style, he has shown that he can produce images that directors want. In other words, he's very adaptive, which is a trait that all great cinematographers should have.

Speaking of adaptive, as digital filmmaking started becoming a mainstay in the industry, Lubezki managed to make the transition from film to digital in brilliant form. In the video below, he talks about when he began shooting on digital cameras, how at first he promised to only shoot landscapes and grand vistas with them, but as time went on he realized that they provided a clean, grainless images that he thought captured the emotional impact of the images better:

It's the first camera that I worked with that really -- that almost translates to 100% of what you're feeling when you're at the location.

Lubezki is definitely a DP that is more than worthy of our study, and hopefully the video from wolfcrow provided a great springboard for more of it.

Source: wolfcrow