In advance of the huge industry trade show NAB, Lytros introduced a groundbreaking cinema camera that shoots 744 RAW megapixels at up to 300 frames-per-second. We discuss the announcement, along with what we're excited to cover at both NAB and the Tribeca Film Festival, which occur simultaneously over the next couple weeks.

We also debut our "Ask No Film School" segment with some insightful queries from our boards, and get into the Webby Award nominees, Vimeo's theatrical projection of Staff Picks in indie theaters across the country, and the results of the largest-ever census of film dialog. As always, the episode includes a rundown of the latest filmmaking tools, upcoming grant and opportunity deadlines, and indie film releases that you won't want to miss while you're busy making films. 

Show Links & Mentions

No Film School articles 

Filmmaking Tools

Upcoming Deadlines: Grants & Opportunities

Upcoming Deadlines: Festivals

Film Releases



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