Tutorial: Make a Wide Angle Lens Filter Holder with Basic Craft Supplies
Here's another DIY hack that'll save you when things inevitably go awry on set.

This quick solution for a custom neutral density filter holder from CheesyCam might save your hide if you're shooting with a wide angle lens, and the only materials you're going to need are card stock, tape, and a pair of scissors:
Granted, having a filter or adapter that fits your lens is ideal, but sometimes that's not going to happen—maybe you left yours at home or it broke while on set, or maybe you just plain don't have one. Either way, this DIY holder seems like it will do the trick. And clearly there's the obvious, and simpler solution of just taping your ND filter to your lens, but CheesyCam mentions in the video that this makeshift holder will allow you to quickly put it on and remove it—a useful feature for a run-and-gun shoot.
What are some other DIY ways of mounting a filter to a wide angle lens? Let us know your hacks down in the comments!
Source: CheesyCam