Yesterday, the Munich-based company stated that they have made their innovative light modifiers— the Snapbag softbox and the Cinec award-winning Snapgrid— available for several popular Kino Flo light fixtures.

For the uninitiated, the Snapbag and Snapgrid are lightweight, self-tightening "light-refining tools" that utilize a rigid, "snap-up" frame for easy setup, as well as elastic straps to mount to light fixtures. These features not only make setup easier and more efficient—especially because there's no need for a spread ring—but DoPchoice's patented Snap Technology means no belly sagging, as well.

To see these things in action, here's Stefan Karle of DoPchoice to demonstrate both the Snapbag and Snapgrid:

DoPchoice is now offering Snapgrid in 40-degree and 50-degree versions for Kino Flo's 2' and 4' 4Bank, Flathead, Celeb, and Select 30 lighting fixtures. Snapbags are now available for the Kino Flo Select 30s. DoPchoice hasn't released any pricing information as of yet, but we'll keep you posted.

To learn more about the Snapbag and Snapgrid, head on over to DoPchoice.

Source: DoPchoice