Co-hosts Jon FuscoEmily Buder, and Charles Haine discuss Kodak's big reveal at CES—the revival of color reversal film stock Ektachrome—and why trade shows are becoming irrelevant. We also discuss awards season, which kicked off with Sunday's Golden Globes; George Lucas' new museum; and how to manipulate aperture and light sensitivity.

As always, the show also brings news you can use about gear, upcoming grant and festival deadlines, this week’s indie film releases, our Ask No Film School segment, and other notable things you might have missed while you were busy making films.

Listen to the episode by streaming or downloading from the embedded player above, or find on iTunes here. 

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No Film School articles 

Filmmaking Tools

Upcoming Deadlines: Grants & Opportunities

Upcoming Deadlines: Festivals

Film Releases




  • 20th Century Women

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This episode of Indie Film Weekly was produced and edited by Jon Fusco.