CalMAN color calibration solutions are industry standard tools used by color professionals worldwide to guarantee color accuracy on displays. Their calibration solutions are "custom-tailored to provide all of the necessary tools to deliver extremely-accurate color calibrations on all types of display technologies in a multitude of color-critical environments."

Portrait Displays offers multiple professional products, filmmakers will be most familiar with the CalMAN Studio calibration suite. It is capable of calibrating an entire production pipeline, from on-set to client review: Grade-1 reference monitors, computer monitors, and client-viewing flat panels or projectors. It also supports advanced 3D LUT capabilities.

CalMAN Studio Key Features

  • Features the latest Lightning LUT™ technology for color corrective 3D LUTs
  • Reads 78 different color points in a 4,000 point cube in under five minutes
  • Exports 3D LUTs in any file format
  • Supports all established colorspace and gamma standards as well as custom standards
  • Offers expansive hardware support for the most popular meters and pattern generators
  • Supports Blackmagic Design DaVinci Resolve® and Assimilate SCRATCH® software as pattern generators
  • Features the latest AutoCube™ Technology for color correction 1D/3D LUTs
  • Provides three options for generating 3D LUTs depending on user's unique needs and time constraints
  • Includes ICC+ Technology from CalMAN RGB for computer monitor calibrations
  • Provides direct load 3D LUTs for select reference monitors
  • Includes AutoCal™ and DDC capabilities for automated display calibrations

Capture-_calman_professional_solutionsCalMAN professional studio color calibration solutionsCredit: Courtesy of Portrait Displays

CalMAN 2019 professional solutions add hardware support for 2019 display models from manufacturers such as Canon, Dolby, Epson, FSI, LG, Panasonic, Samsung, and Sony. In addition, it adds new calibration features, workflows, and measurement device support.

CalMAN 2019 New Consumer Calibration Solutions

Capture-_calman_home_solutionsCalMAN home calibration solutionsCredit: Courtesy of Portrait Displays

In addition to the release of the new professional color calibration solutions, CalMAN Home is now available for home theater consumers wanting to calibrate their displays. Currently, Portrait offers products for LG, Panasonic, Sony, and Samsung displays at the affordable price of $145.