What makes a light worth buying? You want something that will last, and you want something that will really take your production to the next level.

Thanks to B&H, we have a light that when paired with a few accessories does it all. Literally! 

OrbiterCredit: B&H Photo/Video

The first feature you can take advantage of is the Orbiter Docking Ring. This enables the use of third-party optics to shape and diffuse the light in your scene.  

You can also grab the Dome Mini for more accurate and brighter light, as well as the open-face and highly translucent Glass Cover for when you're flooding your set with light. Lastly, pick up the inflatable Bag-o-Light to illuminate close-ups with a heavenly glow.

Overall, when you start building out this light, there's almost nothing it can't do. Be sure to view the full breakdown on this gear at the B&H site. 

Are you interested in working with this light? Let us know in the comments! 

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Source: B&H Photo/Video