How Screenwriters Can Network While in the Lonesome Chasm of Quarantine
We're all stuck inside, so how do we make connections and advance our careers?

One of the hardest parts about being stuck inside during the COVID-19 pandemic is simply not being able to see other people. As a writer in Hollywood, most of my days are spent alone. But the best parts of my week are going out on generals and pitches, as well as hanging out with other people who love the mediums of film and television.
But now, I'm inside.
I'm not meeting people normally and I'm having trouble networking.
What are people supposed to do to advance their careers through networking during a pandemic?
Let's find out.
How to Network in Quarantine
There is no better way to advance your career than to finish great screenplays. I know this is a dumb answer to the question, but your writing will take you so much further than anything that comes after this statement. If you haven't already downloaded our FREE ebook How to Write a Screenplay During Quarantine, do so now. It's packed with TONS of tips, tools, guides, and infographics about screenwriting. And it's free.
But if you're trying to procrastinate writing, here are some other networking tips.
One of the best ways to meet new people from the comfort of your own home is on social media. There are so many writers all over Twitter. I've found a wonderful community there full of supportive and like-minded people.
There are lots of hashtags for people who are #PreWGA and #StaffingBoost that have helped people get work.
There are even managers you can tweet at to get read.
So, polish your loglines and get your new treatments ready.
It's a great way to network.
Screenwriting Reddit
I am a new member of Screenwriting Reddit and I go there to find story ideas and talk to other people. There's a long list of professionals on there interacting with other people, but there's also a ton of writing groups forming where people trade notes and ideas.
I love reading the site for all the resources—tips, tricks, advice, and cool articles about other writers.
It's also a place to ask questions. I find the advice there to be varying, but people genuinely want to help.
Attend Free Workshops and Zooms
There has been a dearth of Zooms and workshops given for free during this pandemic. We have tried to highlight a few, but they occur almost every week. To find these things, look on Twitter and Reddit!
You can even hop on YouTube to check out what's being offered. Follow channels like the WGA, which publishes some of the best conversations on screenwriting every week.
With all of these resources, you should be able to get out and meet people...while staying distant at home.
Up Next: How to Break into Hollywood in the 2020s!
It's a new decade and the old ways of breaking in aren't cutting it. So, what's new in the film and TV industry?
Let's break it down together.