This post could end at the title. Truly, I don't think there's more that has to be said than, "It's okay to write 'we see' in your screenplay." Unfortunately, no matter where I turn on the internet, there are always some idiots telling you not to. Guess what? No one that matters, cares. 

Let's delve into some storytime. 

When I was in grad school, I met the smartest person I've ever encountered. Her name was Marta Armengol-Royo and she was that kind of genius that would be terrifying if she wasn't equally as nice and welcoming. 

Marta was the person who first told me about screenplays being "literary artifacts," or a work characterized by creative expression and artistic qualities. It was something I had never heard before but something I still think about today. 

It's what makes me feel special writing. 

But screenplays have a second purpose. They are also blueprints. 

The point of a screenplay is for someone else to take it and turn it into a movie or TV show. Since movies and TV are visual mediums, all the words on the page need to directly correlate to what will show up on the screen. 

Because of that, every line of action can be directly related to what "we see" as the audience. 

I have been writing screenplays and using "we see" for almost two decades. I got on the Black List twice and had a movie made. No one batted an eye when I used "we see." And if you're not into listening to me, then check out the 2023 Academy Award-nominated screenplays. They all have many uses of "we see" in them. 

I'm not going to make this post any longer than it has to be. I just want you to know the only thing people that matter truly care about is the story. They want to emotionally connect to the story, be thrilled, laugh, cry, and participate in it. 

Focus on that and not some B.S. about rules or who can or cannot write what. 

Now, get back to writing.