It's hard to imagine two bigger personalities than Orson Welles and Ernest Hemingway. Both of them are legends in their own mediums. And both were alive at the same time. Their paths crossed first as collaborators, then as combatants, and finally as friends. 

This sort of evolution is both poetic and filmic. The story of how it all worked out was captured in Michael Parkinson's interview with Welles. This interview was restored with a video provided by Text und Bühne. (Apologies in advance for some of Welles's vulgar language.)

Check it out, and let's talk after. 

I loved hearing about Welles and Hemingway squaring off over voiceover narration, two artists complaining about the way people enjoy art and then coming to fists over it. If that doesn't speak to the stubbornness of these men, I don't know what does.

The other thing to take away here is how important you find friendships during your journey, because even the loosest ones can sustain you as your paths cross over time. 

I also think it's important to look at the lessons Hemingway taught Welles.

In particular, the way his sense of humor lent to comedy. Hemingway was so tense that his work never was that funny, but when he relaxed later, he could crack jokes. Welles learned that as an artist, you could dig into yourself and let your different emotions rise to explore different stories. He also learned the cycle of an artist. How Hemingway went out of style and then eventually came back again.

No matter what, he learned that if you continue to be true, bold, and honest you can sustain a career. And maybe make some friends along the way. 

Let us know what you think in the comments.

Source: Text und Bühne